Frequently Asked Questions

Is this like the other professional development I’ve done?

I’m guessing most of the professional development you’ve done has focused on developing yourself for the benefit of camp. I’m here to support your personal development. But will this help you in your role at camp? Absolutely.

What exactly is coaching?

Coaching is about helping you gain more awareness around what you want in your life (or what you don’t) and how to move forward toward that vision.

Is there a method to your madness?

I practice the Core Energy Coaching™ process, which was created by Bruce D. Schneider, Ph.D. It’s often referred to as “coaching from the inside out”. We’ll connect your inner purpose and passion to outer goals and strategies to bring about sustainable (and unimaginable) results. We’ll also chat way more about it on the intro call.

How much time will this take?

Since this is a relationship and about moving you forward over time, many clients have found it beneficial to commit to a 55-minute call each week for 12 weeks.

I’m decades away from even thinking of leaving camp. What could I get from this?

The beauty of coaching is we work toward whatever area of life you’d like to work on. Sure, that could mean retirement. But it could also mean balancing camp with your personal life, working through the blurred lines between co-workers and family, or anything else that’s on your mind.

Do you only work with camp people?

No, I work with all sorts of folks. In fact, if you’re not a camp person, it just means you’ll be more impressed when I pull a camp director trick or two out of my sleeve.